Jugs BP3 3 Wheel Pitching Machine for Baseball or Softball
Keep your hitter guessing with the Jugs BP3 baseball pitching machine with changeup. This 3-wheel pitching machine is one of the best pitching machines that money can buy. Simply select one of the preset pitch choices on the control panel to pitch; choose between fastballs, cutters, right or left-handed curveballs, right and left-handed sliders, and split fingers.
When you’re pitching fastballs, you have the option to instantly switch from fastball to changeup, to surprise the batter and create a real-life hitting scenario. To do this, you can either press the changeup button on the machine or select it from the remote control. Aside from that, you can use the patented micro adjusters to change the pitch location and work the zone or turn the machine around to throw grounders, pop-ups, and line drives to the rest of the team.
Baseball Pitching Machine Features
- 40-90 MPH speed range.
- Large 3″ LCD display – set the digital speed you desire by simply turning a knob.
- Horizontal and vertical micro-adjustment.
- Changes between fastball and changeup, giving your hitters a “real” pitcher vs. hitter experience.
- Throws baseballs, the Jugs Pearl®, Jugs Sting-Free® baseballs—dimpled and seam, Jugs Lite-Flite® and Softie® baseballs, and Jugs Bulldog™ baseballs.
- Throws the following nine pitches: Fastballs and changeups, right and left-handed curveballs and sliders, right and left-handed cutters, and split-finger fastballs.
- Realistic 64″ delivery height.
- Learn about the Jugs BP3 vs SP3 here
Softball Pitching Machine Features
- Throws changeups using the remote control on the key chain or manual button located on the control panel.
- 45-75 MPH speed range.
- Changes between fastball and changeup, giving your hitters a “real” pitcher vs. hitter experience.
- Throws baseballs, the Jugs Pearl®, Jugs Sting-Free® baseballs—dimpled and seam, Jugs Lite-Flite® and Softie® baseballs, and Jugs Bulldog™ baseballs.
- Horizontal and Vertical Micro Adjustments for Pinpoint™ control at your fingertips.
- Easy to move and set up.
Baseball Pitching Machine Diagram

Softball Pitching Machine Diagram

Click Here To Download The Jugs BP®3 Baseball Pitching Machine Owner’s Manual
amanda –
Easy set up and works great
Lous –
Easy to setup and install. Works great!
Rebecca Boeschen –
We use this for a high school baseball team. Work great for that age of kids. Many settings.
apdb90 –
Decent machine for high school/college level ball. Have run into issues with it overheating and shutting itself down automatically until it cools off. But when it’s working it’s a pretty good machine.Quite honestly while not as fancy as this I’d go with a Hack Attack or Atec for the momey. I like the Atec because the frame is steel plate and the Hack Attack is a cast frame but the Hack Attack machines tend to be more consistent/accurate. YMMV